GCSE Results & Enrolment 2021
Congratulations to all students who are receiving results this summer!
You may have lots of questions about starting college and we will hopefully be able to answer them all at your enrolment appointment.
For your safety and the safety of our staff, please only come to college at your appointment time, in the meantime you can find answers to some FAQ below:
I have just received my results and I haven’t got what I needed for the course I want to do, what can I do?
Firstly, please try not to panic, we are running enrolment by appointment only for your safety and you will need to stick to your original enrolment appointment.
Our Advice and Guidance team will be on hand at your planned appointment and you will be able to discuss all your options with them.
We understand this can be a stressful time and if you feel that you need to ask any questions prior to your appointment, please call us on 0151 257 2022.
I want to change my course
If you have changed your mind and would like to change your course, you still need to stick to your original enrolment appointment. Please tell us when you arrive at college and you will be able to discuss your course change with our Advice and Guidance Team and ask any further questions from the college tutors before you enrol on a new course.
My enrolment appointment isn’t until next week, can I come today/will it affect my chances of getting onto the course?
No, please don’t come straight to college, the date of your appointment will not affect your place. Some of your friends may have already had their appointment and enrolled at college but please don’t worry, we have reserved your place and are holding it for you!
Only come to college at your allocated enrolment appointment. The appointment system has been put in place to ensure we can keep students and staff safe and adhere to social distancing.
I haven’t applied for college yet or I did apply but didn’t go to my interview and haven’t got an offer of a place, what can I do?
Our September 2021 courses are now closed for 16 – 18-year olds, if you call us on 0151 257 2022 we can take your details and add you to the wait list for your chosen course. In the meantime, we would advise you to look at alternative colleges and options as unfortunately there is currently no guarantee we will be able to offer you a place. We would like to wish you luck in your future studies.