Do you employ less than 250 people in the Halton area?
Do you want to access funding to improve the skills of your staff and make you more competitive?
Do you need a responsive and high quality and responsive provider to deliver the training?
If you have answered YES to all the above, then contact the Riverside College Employer Services team on 0151 257 2828 or email us at enterprise@riverside.ac.uk
We have access to European Social Funding which aims to support the local business by enhancing the skills of their existing staff in order to improve productivity and profitablility . The funding provides subsidised training to:
- Adult staff aged 19 or over
- Part time staff employed for more than 8 hours a week
- Second level 2 qualifications
Training and development can be customised to meet your needs and may include preparation for an apprenticeship, improving English and maths in the workplace, work based training and development, or attendance on courses at a college.
Examples of training available includes:
- English and Maths
- Short ICT courses
- Bespoke customer service including World Host
- NVQ training (including second level 2 qualification)
- Leadership and Management and Coaching and Mentoring
- PTTLs Awards
- Food Preparation