Level: E – L2 | Duration: 1 Year | Start Date: September
Details: Various day and evening options
What is this course about?
These courses are aimed at anyone who wants to improve their maths skills regardless of their level of ability.
What will I learn on this course?
A range of topics will be worked on including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentages, fractions, decimals, and many more.
Enrichment Opportunities
Maths is studied through a range of topical subjects. External speakers may be invited into classes and trips arranged to a variety of venues.
Why choose Riverside College for this course?
You can improve your job prospects, learn about budgeting, learn how to help your children with their homework, or improve your maths skills for your own personal interests and gain qualifications.
How will I be assessed?
You will be assessed with your progress throughout the course and Functional maths exams will be taken.
What are the Entry Requirements?
No qualifications are required for this course. You will be asked to complete a short assessment to work out which level will suit your needs.
Are there any costs associated with this course?
The course is free, however, we do recommend that you buy a copy of the Functional Skills workbook at the appropriate level.
What will this course lead on to?
You will be able to progress onto the next level of maths course up to Level 2. Once you have achieved Level 2, you could progress onto a GCSE or a range of vocational courses or Access courses.
Course Features
- Lecture 0
- Quiz 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes