Our FREE** Remote E-learning courses offer you the opportunity to access a wide range of courses that you can learn from home, at your own pace… all you need is access to the internet.
At Riverside College we realise the importance of online learning courses, especially at this time and we have a wide variety of nationally recognised Level 2 & 3 qualifications through TQUK for anyone aged 19+ that are **FREE to you, as long as you complete the course.
You could gain a qualification that helps you in your current job, learn something completely new or even change the direction of your career! They are a great way to boost your confidence, your knowledge and your CV all at your own pace, over 4-16 weeks.
* Level 2 courses are fully funded with no fee if you complete your course. Fee if you do not complete is £99.
** Level 3 courses have separate eligibility criteria. To see this criteria, please click into the relevant Level 3 course. Fee if you do not complete is £99.
*** Level 2 Mental Health Awareness & Level 3 Understanding Mental Health is fully funded with no fee for Liverpool City Region residents only.
Management and Professional Level 2 Qualifications:
Health and Social Care Level 2 Qualifications:
- Understanding the Safe Handling of Medication in Health and Social Care
- Understanding the Care and Management of Diabetes
- Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding in Adult Health and Social Care
- Common Health Conditions
- Principles and Control of Infection in Health Care Settings
- Understanding Behaviour that Challenges
- Falls Prevention Awareness
- Principles of Care Planning
- Principles of Dementia Care
- Principles of End of Life Care
- Understanding Nutrition and Health
Mental Health & Support Level 2 Qualifications:
- Certificate in Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace
- Understanding Autism
- Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties
- Principles of Working with Individuals with Learning Disabilities
- Understanding Children and Young People Mental Health
- Counselling Skills
- Understanding Distressed Behaviour in Children
- Awareness in Bullying in Children and Young People
- Self Harm and Suicide Awareness and Prevention
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Ready to apply?
To sign up, please complete an online application form.
If you would like more information, please call Georgia Whitfield on 0151 257 2175 or email: remote-e-learning@riversidecollege.ac.uk